quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2020

Top Secret Transaction..........$2.2 million USD


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message. The World Bank
Organization is eradicating poverty in America,Asia,Africa,Europe,and
Arab. Your name was among the 5 Lucky Winner listed.Your ATM VISA CARD
of { 2.2 million dollars} was registered with TNT Express Delivery.
This card WILL be handed over to you in person at your home address.
Note, that the ATM VISA CARD must get to your address within 72 hours
once you reconfirm your receiving address as demanded below.


Ask TNT agent how you can get your fund of(USd$2.200,000.00.)

Forward your details as above required to this Email address here; cashoffice7@gmail.com

Let him to deliver the good service to you. Thank
From Desk of the President.

quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2020


 Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie aus den Fonds von Mavis Wanczyk für einen Betrag von 2.000.000 Euro ausgewählt wurden. Mein Name ist Mavis Wanczyk, der Gewinner des Power Ball Lottery Jackpot in Höhe von 758,7 Millionen US-Dollar, dem größten Preis in einem einzelnen Lottoschein in den USA. Meine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation hat Sie als unseren glücklichen Empfänger ausgewählt und erhält einen Betrag von 2.000.000 EUR. Nehmen Sie dieses Angebot an und kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen. Mavis Wanczyk < maviswanczykinc@gmail.com >


Aula de Quarta-Feira sobre Intercâmbios Remunerados no Exterior .


Aula de Quarta-Feira sobre Intercâmbios Remunerados no Exterior .

***Promoção Dias das Mães***
Na compra do nosso curso de Inglês ou Árabe  à vista,sua mãe irá ganhar nosso agenciamento até ser contratada como Cuidadora de Crianças ou Idosos no exterior.
Oferta válida somente para novos alunos entre  01 até 08 de Maio de 2020

Irei te mandar todas as informações com o maior carinho e apenas te peço para tomar  uma decisão até sexta-feira, tanto positiva ou negativa, por favor.

Mas eu nao falo Inglês ainda , tenho chance ?
Participe da próxima turma que é  ideal e obrigatório para quem deseja viajar ainda neste ano.
 Por favor responda a si mesmo (a) :
1-Já perdeu alguma ÓTIMA oportunidade de Emprego por não falar outro idioma FLUENTE?
2-Cansada (o) da sua ROTINA de vida no Brasil ?
3-Sente-se DESMOTIVADA (O) ou DESVALORIZADO (A) no seu atual ambiente de trabalho  ?
4-Terminou um longo ROMANCE e quer conhecer novos lugares e pessoas agora?
5- Cansada (o) de pagar aluguel,transporte,comida e não sobrar nem R$ 1,00 mensalmente para poupar ?
5-Já criou seus filhos e agora quer pensar somente em você por um tempo?
6- Já tentou aprender outro idioma no Brasil mas só perdeu tempo e $$ ?
7- Insegura (o) com a situação política , econômica e segurança pública no Brasil?
8- Gostaria de ter a chance de ter uma NOVA VIDA com novos hábitos ?
9- Sente-se inseguro (a) com a violência em sua cidade ?
10- Cansado de pagar tanto imposto e ter pouca coisa em troca ?
11 - Gostaria de EMAGRECER e aprender Inglês na MARRA ?
Se a resposta foi positiva para alguma pergunta acima, então você PRECISA DA MTV INTERCÂMBIOS PARA MUDAR & TRANSFORMAR SUA VIDA .
É normalmente oferecido aos contratados  para trabalhar em turismo e hotelaria nos Emirados Árabes e região   : contratos  de trabalho de 2 a 4 anos + Passagem de Ida e Volta + Despesas com Visto de trabalho + Acomodação + Alimentação + Uniforme + Plano de Saúde + Transporte + Salário SEM impostos + Taxa de Serviço + Gorjetas + Incentivos + Prêmios + férias anual ;
Quem tem pouco inglês só tem chance de ser contratado no exterior nas seguintes vagas:
1 - Babá/Aupair/Doméstica/ Cuidadores de Idosos ou pacientes  Home Care em casas onde a família fala Espanhol, Italiano ou Português;

2- Ajudante de Garçom ou Garçonete em restaurantes Latinos ou Brasileiros em Dubai e região;

3- Qualquer outro tipo de vaga onde o entrevistador /recrutador / gerente  seja meu ex-cliente também para eu pedir favores  ....  e tenho MUITOS que já ajudei no passado .( Projeto Carrapato)

Mas você precisa ter  o mínimo de interesse e  vocabulário  no idioma do país que está indo para poder desempenhar suas funções.

Se está inseguro com seu atual nível de Inglês para fazer uma entrevista de emprego , recomendo então comprar nosso curso de Inglês, Alemão ou Árabe e tenha o agenciamento GRÁTIS até ser contratado ( melhor e  mais barato para você)

Pare de apenas SONHAR em fazer intercâmbio pois agora você PODE!
Se você tem a real VONTADE , DESEJO , SONHO e a NECESSIDADE de fazer um intercâmbio remunerado no exterior a hora é agora .
Compre nossos cursos de Inglês e GANHE GRÁTIS seu agenciamento até viajar!!
 Receberá EM SUA CASA  os 3 livros, 3 cds e as perguntas que irão cair em suas entrevistas para ir treinando  e ESTUDANDO EM SUA CASA + envio de vagas semanal  ,  além do acesso ao APP para você instalar no celular com aulas para ouvir o dia todo além do envio semanal do seu currículo às centenas  empresas que aceitam brasileiros : É um treinamento completo !
Se você tem o plano de trabalhar no exterior  no futuro precisa  tomar uma DECISÃO HOJE de melhorar seu Inglês OU prefere  ADIAR / PROCRASTINAR / ATRASAR / RETARDAR / SUSPENDER    este sonho mais por mais 1 dia , 1 mês , 1 ano ou até por 1 vida  e inventar uma nova desculpa / prioridade agora ?
Você nunca esteve tão perto de iniciar uma carreira internacional.
Favor imprimir / fotografar esta página e levar em TODAS  as escolas de Inglês em sua cidade e pergunte se eles podem cobrir nossa proposta.
99,99% dos nossos alunos conquistam os seguintes benefícios SEM CUSTO ADICIONAL  :  É normalmente oferecido aos contratados  para trabalhar em turismo e hotelaria nos Emirados Árabes  : contratos  de trabalho de 2 a 4 anos + Passagem de Ida e Volta + Despesas com Visto de trabalho + Acomodação + Alimentação + Uniforme + Plano de Saúde + Transporte + Salário SEM impostos + Taxa de Serviço + Gorjetas + Incentivos + Prêmios + férias anual ;
Iremos te ensinar PASSO A PASSO de como conseguir sua contratação internacional até dar certo.
Iremos também te incluir em nosso GRUPO de alunos e clientes que estão recebendo as vagas  e poderão até viajar , trabalhar e morar juntos no exterior.
Nossa  aluna Belisa de Fortaleza/CE comprou nosso curso de Inglês  à vista , foi contratada em MENOS de 60 dias para  receber R$ 78.000,00 em salários + moradia+ passagens + demais benefícios de uma rede de lojas de roupas femininas no Kuwait. 
Se você já fala Inglês, recomendo então comprar nosso curso de Árabe e GANHE 100% GRÁTIS nossa assessoria , agenciamento e treinamento até ser CONTRATADO (A) no exterior com passagens + visto + moradia grátis por 2 anos + salário sem impostos !!!
Temos a proposta de intercâmbio MAIS BARATA do Brasil , favor pesquisar em todas escolas de idiomas e agências de viagens em sua cidade.
Falando o básico do Árabe você ganha mais gorjetas em Dubai ....

Nossos cursos disponíveis para te ajudar  com agenciamento 100% GRÁTIS ATÉ SER CONTRATADO :
1-    Cuidador de Idosos & Crianças;
2-    Inglês ,Alemão ou  Árabe para iniciantes;
3-    Inglês Técnico  para Bares & Restaurantes ( nível intermediário);
4-    Turismo, Hotelaria e Eventos;
5-    Garçom Internacional;
6-    Certificação de Inglês TOEFL e Apostila NCLEX- obrigatório para quem pensa em trabalhar como Enfermeiro e Médico nos Estados Unidos;
7-    Certificação de Inglês IELTS obrigatória para quem pensa em migrar para o Canadá;

Investindo em seu conhecimento você sempre terá um retorno total do investimento em pouco tempo.
LEMBRE-SE : Conseguimos para nossos clientes que são contratados  para trabalhar em turismo e hotelaria nos Emirados Árabes e região : contratos  de trabalho de 2 a 4 anos + Passagem de Ida e Volta + Despesas com Visto de trabalho + Acomodação + Alimentação + Uniforme + Plano de Saúde + Transporte + Salário SEM impostos + Taxa de Serviço + Gorjetas + Incentivos + Prêmios + férias anual ;

Veja entrevista com a cliente Juliana que comprou nosso curso de Árabe e foi contratada por hotel 5 estrelas no Qatar, onde será realizada a próxima Copa do Mundo de Futebol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fEwcCzp-cM

Se quiser ter a mesma experiência profissional , fale conosco.

Sou Marcelo Toledo-
Seu novo melhor amigo e  Diretor
 MTV Intercâmbios - 
Consultoria de Recolocação Internacional  | Headhunter |  Coach de Carreiras Internacionais  e Especialista em Imigração há 22 anos

Whats 11 9 5047 2557

Queremos te ajudar dando dicas sobre intercambios e carreiras internacionais MAS,  caso não tenha interesse neste conteúdo, peço perdão e pro  favor pedir remoção para m45214090.mtv@gmail.com

caso você deseje remover seu cadastro de nossa lista, cancele o recebimento.

Denunciar abuso

My Greetings To You And Your Family


This email might come to you as a surprise and a complete intrusion to your privacy but right now this is my only option of communicating With You. I humbly write to solicit for your partnership and assistance in the transfer and investment of my inheritance funds from my late father who died mysteriously.

I will like to further introduce myself to you. My name is Miss.Diane Roy, I am age of eighteen years girl, am only child of my late parents Mr.and Mrs. Kevin Roy

It was very evident that he was poisoned to death. In my culture, when a man dies, if he does not have a male child, the brother shares his property leaving the wife and the daughters empty handed. This is the exact case with me as I am the only daughter of my father. I lost my mother when I was barely a year old and my father refused to re-marry another wife despite all persuasion by friends and relatives, because he felt solely responsible for my mother's death, as he only concentrated on his business that he rarely pays attention to domestic/family affairs.

But he ensured that I had everything that I wanted. It was as a result of this that he made me the next of kin to his fund deposit with the bank and stated that in the event of any eventuality, I should have a direct access to the funds only when I am twenty-five years of age otherwise, I should have a guardian/partner to intercede on my behalf for the release of the funds to me. Unfortunately, he passes away and I am eighteen years of age currently.

I had discussions with the director of international remittance unit of the bank where my father deposited the funds and I was assured that once I have someone who would be honest and willing to receive the funds on my behalf for the purpose of investments in overseas, they shall commence all proceedings to effect the release and transfer of the funds into the person's designated account. Once you signify your interest to partner with me, I shall be giving you the bank contact details and also let you know how much involve so you request for the release and transfer of my inheritance fund into your nominated bank account for investment purpose and I can join you to continue my education.

Your urgent response will be appreciated. Talk to you the more.


Mis Diane

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2020

Aproveite a Quarentena e Siga a Gente nas Operações

Olá, como você está? Esperamos realmente que você esteja bem nestes tempos atípicos.
Apenas gostaria de convidar você a nos seguir no Instagram e no Telegram.

Somos um grupo de pessoas totalmente engajadas no mercado financeiro e hoje focados
praticamente em operar na Bovespa. Os resultados estão incríveis.

Muitos estão ganhando - nós estamos ganhando - você irá ganhar também.

Em nossa página no Instagram e canal do Telegram postamos diariamente análises do mercado, dicas e também
alguns sinais para que você possa acompanhar ao vivo se quiser. 

Instagram: @jf.elitesignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Telegram: @jfelitecopyingsignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Te esperamos em nossos canais!

Equipe JF Elite Copying & Signals

Enviado para: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro@blogger.com
Caso recebeu por engano ou não tem interesse, acesse aqui

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2020

Na Alta e na Baixa - As Estratégias certas para Lucrar essa semana!

Olá, como você está? Esperamos realmente que você esteja bem nestes tempos atípicos.
Apenas gostaria de convidar você a nos seguir no Instagram e no Telegram.

Somos um grupo de pessoas totalmente engajadas no mercado financeiro e hoje focados
praticamente em operar na Bovespa. Os resultados estão incríveis.

Muitos estão ganhando - nós estamos ganhando - você irá ganhar também.

Em nossa página no Instagram e canal do Telegram postamos diariamente análises do mercado, dicas e também
alguns sinais para que você possa acompanhar ao vivo se quiser. 

Instagram: @jf.elitesignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Telegram: @jfelitecopyingsignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Te esperamos em nossos canais!

Equipe JF Elite Copying & Signals

Enviado para: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro@blogger.com
Caso recebeu por engano ou não tem interesse, acesse aqui

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Attn.Beneficiary Your Overdue Funds is Ready to deliver to your doorstep but after covid 19 outbreak

Rev Paul Morgan U.N inspector unit
ON Your free overdue funds
Newark liberty international airport.
Attn. My Dear Good Friend
My name is Rev. Paul Ray Morgan Director of Inspector Unit on United Nations Inspection duty link to John F. Kennedy international airport i am using this opportunity to bring this good news to you this month of the year 2020 for the betterment of our family's, through the glory of God who we serve.
My dear During my investigation here on corona avirus outbreak case as inspector officer with the help of the airport storage keeper Mr. Cole base by name, I discovered An abandoned shipment boxes through a Diplomat from United Kingdom under ship forwarder was transferred from Atlanta to John F. Kennedy Airport to our facility port authority of Newark liberty international airport here in New Jersey but when the boxes scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of America dollars in a gold Metal Trunk Boxes weight approximately 110kg each.
The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money in U.S $ dollars rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid diversion of the dollars by the Shipping Agent also the Diplomat inability to pay for the charges like clearance fee with other high charges warrant your former diplomat to leave this two boxes worth of funds here and run away but i don't know if he has another plan to deliver this funds on your behalf but God has expose him through me and storage office of this said airport .
On my assumption, each of these boxes will contain more than $4Million to $4.5Million each and the two consignment boxes is still left in the storage house till today through a registered shipping Company, Courier Service Limited a division of Tran guard LTD  from U.K specialist in delivery.
The Consignments are in two gold metal boxes with the weight of about 110kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm). Effective capacity: 680 L.)Approximately $8million in 220k.g in total,
The details of the consignment including the official document from custom office in London in your file was tagged on the Metal Trunk box as abandon funds from your diplomat as next of kin funds to was inheritance funds and lottery funds ETC.
All i need from you now if you want to share this $8million with us is to provide me your direct cell Phone Number to reach you and your full address, to cross check if the address corresponds with the address on the official document including the name of your nearest Airport with your full name because I believe the money I have with me here can take care of the charges to deliver this two boxes worth of $8million direct to your house address to enable me receive our own share from this cash worth of $8million but only if you agree to work with our conditions,
Because other details is with the head of authorities waiting for you to send the required details to me for onward delivery of this cash worth of $8million us dollars .
All communication must be held extremely confidential because I can get everything concluded within 2 to 3 days upon your acceptance I will pave the way to your address for delivery as soon as I hear from you because I will use the little money I have with me here to process the delivery of this said funds to you,
My joy in this cool transaction come to be that i am working collectively with Mr Cole base the head of airport storage house where this two boxes kept here in this airport so I will use my own money to pay for the fees unless I run shortage of cash then I will not look back to ask you to help but for now I don't think i will need one cent from you to deliver this cash worth of $8million direct to your doorstep house address to enable me and you with my best friend Mr Cole base who made everything possible who is the storage keeper to share this $8million in cash without including another person because i am going to use my money to pay for the delivery charge,
But before I start with you I must get assurance from you concerning our 60% of total sum of this $8million will be our own share first before I will proceed to bring this good news to your family with these two boxes worth of $8million and as a Rev father and the one who have the fear of GOD I will not want you to cheat on me out of my own share please because I will not cheat on you in the sense that I am only helping you so that you will receive your overdue inheritance funds because through your file i found out that you has spent a lot of money for this two boxes worth of $8million coming from your inheritance funds without receiving noting.
but with the help of my good friend Mr.Cole the storage officer who agreed to work with me for 20% of total sum of this $8million will go to his account once i receive our 60% from you while 40% of this $8million will be your own share.
I want us to transact this business with full trust and cool to enable us share this $8million without being greedy please, since the shipper and your former diplomat has abandoned these two boxes worth of $8million here and ran away because of inability to pay for the fees to deliver this funds to you but now i will pay for the fees now with my own money because there will be a lot of fees to pay to deliver this $8million according to the head of authority so let us work as one family without being greedy over this cash worth of $8million in two trunk boxes so that i can deliver the funds to you and have our own share.
I will pay for the Non inspection fees with the clearance fee and arrange for the two boxes to be moved out of this Airport direct to your doorstep house address to deliver this two boxes worth of $8million to you, once we are through I will deploy the services of a secured shipping Company geared to provide the security it needs to your doorstep address.
Or I will use my hand to deliver this $8million by myself to avoid any more trouble or delay as united nation inspector officer with immunity because I am free to cross any port of entry  to deliver this funds to you.
But first of all before I start with you i will share this $8million 40% for you while 40% for me and the rest of 20% will go to Mr. Cole base the airport storage keeper who is the master minder of the delivery of this $8million,
So you have to assure me for my 40% of the total sum of this $8million will be my own share with your GODLY mind while 20% goes to Mr. Cole the Airport storage keeper and 40% is for you so let us leave the sharing as i said because i know that you have spend a lot of money trying to receive your payment but thank God at last your glory has come to stay through me.
Below is my direct Email address,
waiting to hear from you with your good mind if you agree with our conditions as I am sending this message to you again and again for you to understand that this transaction is already done to share this cash worth of $8million with you once you agree to our condition as one family with the help of My best friend Mr. Cole base the airport head of storage officer.
Now if I may ask you this question have you ever receive one cent from all those government body's and criminals claiming to be in a position to transfer your fund to you from the day one? But by the end of the day you will receive noting but to spend more money by getting noting from them so I will advise you to stop contacting them from now on,if you want us to share this $8million among our self secretly because i am going to use my money to pay for the delivery fee to your doorstep so stop every communication with them.
This my Direct Email to reach me if you agree to our conditions
I will send this message to you many times for you to keep our sharing agreement solid in the sense that 40% of this $8million will be your share and 40% for me while 20% for Mr Cole because i will not be happy with you if you change our agreement at last when you receive this two boxes worth of $8million in your position.
Remain bless as we work together to share this $8million as one body and one soul may GOD bless you. so confirm to me direct to my email if you real want us to work together, revpaulmorgan29.9@aol.com
Rev. Paul Ray Morgan
Newark liberty international airport


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sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2020

Hipnose Clínica X Covid-19


Hipnose Ajuda a Reforçar o Sistema Imonológico contra a COVID-19

Ansiedade é o medo. medo do futuro, do amanhã, de não saber lidar com o novo, medo de fracassar, medo do novo Corona Vírus, etc.

Ansiedade gera estresse e o estresse diminui o mecanismo de defesa dos seus anticorpos. Mas saiba que você pode contar com a ajuda da Hipnose Clínica para reverter isso a seu favor.

Através de técnicas avançadas de relaxamento e hipnose é possível despertar sua força interior e assim ganhar mais saúde, bem estar, auto confiança, memória e ainda melhorar seus relacionamentos pessoais e profissionais.

Entre em contato conosco para saber mais por aqui:
Watts Zap: (51) 99628-9820
E-mail: reprogramacaomental@hotmail.com

E-mail enviado por Régis Pereira da Rocha, através da Agenda Doctoralia.

Agenda Doctoralia · © 2020

Se quiseres, podes cancelar a tua subscrição para não receberes mais mensagens.


Message from Mike McLenigan.

Compliments of the day, I am Mike McLenigan, the Vice President of Professional Financial Solutions LLC a Public and Private Financial Consultants specialists. We handled financial consultancy for government, financial institutions, companies and high net indvividuals. As one of the financial consultants to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Texas, we were informed of some funds belonging to beneficiaries being holed up in suspense accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. These funds are as a result of inheritance/lottery/contract sum owned to beneficiaries all over the world but have not been able to be released to them due to bottlenecks caused by the remitting officers from the foreign country where the transactions originated from.

Professional Financial Solutions LLC has been consulted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Board of Directors in conjunction with the United States Government to resolve with immediate effect all payments to beneficiaries whose fund are with Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. We have been fully informed about how the staffs of the remitting bank has been taking advantage of you by telling you to pay unnecessarily exorbitant charges which will only make your fund payment a long drawn out process. Due to this development, we have been assigned to step into the immediate processing of your fund transfer to enable your funds to be processed and released to you within the shortest possible time; to implement this, you are to get back to us immediately stating your readiness to have your long awaited fund released to without needing go through all the rigorous processes that were being demanded from you by the previous handlers at the remitting bank.

You are to cease any further communication with any of the previous shady elements that may have been communicating with you in the past attempting to frustrate you from claiming your funds. Our wide experiences in these matters as they apply to International Transfer Policies in this part of the world will enable me ensure that your outstanding fund payment is resolved with immediate effect. Finally, you are to understand that you are not the only beneficiaries being paid this way as others have been receiving their funds hence we will not compel you against your wish to do the needful and have your fund released to you. You can reach me through my privte email address {michealmclenigan@gmail.com}, thanks for your anticipated response.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike McLenigan.
Vice President
Professional Financial Solutions LLC

Your Bank will hate you for this!

Hi zonadeseguranca.alvinegro ,
Chances are you're a client of a big banking corporation that uses YOUR money to make profits like this..
while paying you pennies on the dollar.
Why don't you do it yourself and keep all the profits as well as be insured against any loss at all?
it`s easy, and it`s proven.. don`t fall for it.. use derivatives!
Kindest Regards,
Mark Trump
11-16 Radcliffe Rd,
Nottingham West Bridgford, NG2 5HH

Message from Mike McLenigan.

Compliments of the day, I am Mike McLenigan, the Vice President of Professional Financial Solutions LLC a Public and Private Financial Consultants specialists. We handled financial consultancy for government, financial institutions, companies and high net indvividuals. As one of the financial consultants to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Texas, we were informed of some funds belonging to beneficiaries being holed up in suspense accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. These funds are as a result of inheritance/lottery/contract sum owned to beneficiaries all over the world but have not been able to be released to them due to bottlenecks caused by the remitting officers from the foreign country where the transactions originated from.

Professional Financial Solutions LLC has been consulted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Board of Directors in conjunction with the United States Government to resolve with immediate effect all payments to beneficiaries whose fund are with Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. We have been fully informed about how the staffs of the remitting bank has been taking advantage of you by telling you to pay unnecessarily exorbitant charges which will only make your fund payment a long drawn out process. Due to this development, we have been assigned to step into the immediate processing of your fund transfer to enable your funds to be processed and released to you within the shortest possible time; to implement this, you are to get back to us immediately stating your readiness to have your long awaited fund released to without needing go through all the rigorous processes that were being demanded from you by the previous handlers at the remitting bank.

You are to cease any further communication with any of the previous shady elements that may have been communicating with you in the past attempting to frustrate you from claiming your funds. Our wide experiences in these matters as they apply to International Transfer Policies in this part of the world will enable me ensure that your outstanding fund payment is resolved with immediate effect. Finally, you are to understand that you are not the only beneficiaries being paid this way as others have been receiving their funds hence we will not compel you against your wish to do the needful and have your fund released to you. You can reach me through my privte email address {michealmclenigan@gmail.com}, thanks for your anticipated response.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike McLenigan.
Vice President
Professional Financial Solutions LLC

Vigilância sem furar parede

Caso não estiver visualizando esta mensagem corretamente acesse aqui

Conheça a lâmpada que protege sua casa
Conheça a lâmpada que protege sua casa

Conheça a Super Lâmpada espiã!


A Lâmpada Led Espiã é fácil de instalar e
possui a tecnologia mais avançada do mercado.


Segurança em Várias Ocasiões

- Babá eletrônica
- Porteiro virtual
- Vigilância residencial e comercial
- Detector de presença
- Instalação fácil em 5 minutos
- Notificações em tempo real
- Escute e fale pela 360 Câmera Espiã
- Baixo consumo de energia
- Sem mensalidade ou tarifas
- Gravação no cartão de memória

Essa mensagem foi enviada para: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro@blogger.com
Caso recebeu por engano ou não tem interesse, acesse aqui e nos informe por favor.
24 - April - 2020

850.000,00 euro gespendet

Ihre Antwort ist in Bezug auf die 850,000.00 Euro erforderlich, die Ihnen von Herrn Manuel Franco gespendet wurden, um sich selbst und andere weniger Privilegien in Ihrer Nähe zu unterstützen. Um Ihr Geld in Anspruch zu nehmen, kontaktieren Sie ihn bitte über diese E-Mail: financeoffice017@gmail.com

Name: Herr Manuel Franco
Antwort auf diese E-Mail: financeoffice017@gmail.com

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2020

I Hope You'll Reply

Hello my dear beloved.

This is crucially urgent and that is my reason of writing to you, please Dear.

It is quiet absurd that, Our 40 years of marriage life and we could not have any child; My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited some parts of his businesses and money in the bank. The doctor has advised me that I may not live for more than (3) three months and 2 weeks and warn me to stop thinking over who is going to inherit our wealth. Based on that, today I have decided to donate and contribute to the less privileges, charity homes, and orphanage homes and to those displaced by wars going on in the middle-east and around other parts of the world. I made this decision after listening to the news line about 100 years old woman who secretly donated her fortune and wealth upon her death, As you read it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8o-e-ilsum

I am Mrs. Deborah E. Parrboat from republic of Ireland, born in the state of Ohio USA. I am legally married to Mr. Hilary Hendricks Parrboat, a South Africa citizen born and brought up in Switzerland, I lived in Switzerland with my husband for 18 years before we returned to south Africa in 1996 after my husband's retirement. I am 73 years old by the grace of God, and I respect humanity and nature. Actually, it is the reason I have contacted you because I know you can be trusted, as I noticed it from your profile before I decided to contact you for this. The reason I have contacted you is simply because, I have been sick with (illness) cancer of the bone (leukemia). This illness has troubled me for a long time. And all indications from my doctor and medical analysis is that, my condition is really deteriorating and getting worse; although it is God who has the final decision to my life, but the fact is that the cancer disease has gotten to a very bad stage that, there is no hope for me to be living again.

My dear husband was involved with the January 2000 Kenya airways plane crashed as you can see on the news line website. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6627485.stm ). I choose to contact you after coming across your profile in the chamber of commerce here in Johannesburg, South Africa and I have the confidence and trust in you with regards to your personality and respect that you have.

I am donating this sum of $20.5million US-Dollars, to the less privileged of which you will be responsible in taking care of the disbursement and sharing of this money to organizations that I will appoint in your country and some other places around the world. Meanwhile, you will also get 30% of the money which will be; six million and one hundred thousand dollars ($6,150,000.00), as your compensation (shear) for helping me to fulfill this WILL of donation that I and my late husband jointly agreed upon, before his death.

Please I want you to note that this fund is still in the bank where my late husband and I deposited it. I am going to advice my banker to change my last WILL to your name and file in an application for the transfer of the money in your names and to your account, once I have received your quick reply.

Please bear it in mind that every document will be changed to your name and the money will rightfully belong to your name as quickly as I get your reply. I made the promise to God that the fund will be used to help the needy and the less privilege, reply to me as soon as you get this message through this email address (estherparrboat@yahoo.com )

May God's grace guide and see you through as you help me in the fulfillment of this last WILL of mine.

Please for further discussion; write to me with through the email address

You can call me you receive this mail (+27-79-440-5094)

God bless you and your family.

I await urgent reply.
Best Regards,

Mrs. Deborah E. Parrboat.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Das Geld wurde Ihnen von Herrn Charles W. Jackson Jr. gespendet, der die Summe von 344,6 Millionen US-Dollar im Power Ball Lottery Jackpot gewonnen hat. Er hat Sie ausgewählt, um von seiner laufenden Wohltätigkeitsorganisation zu profitieren und einen Teil des Geldes an ausgewählte Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu spenden. Kontaktieren Sie ihn einfach mit dieser E-Mail, um weitere Informationen über die Spende zu erhalten. E-Mail: charleswjacksonjuniorw@gmail.com

E-Mail: charleswjacksonjuniorw@gmail.com

H¡gh level of r¡sk. Your account has been hacked. Change yøur passwørd.


I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system.
I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt.

I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw.
The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

If yøu are nøt fam¡l¡ar w¡th th¡s, ¡ w¡ll expla¡n.
Trøjan V¡rus g¡ves me full access and cøntrøl øver a cømputer ør øther dev¡ce.
Th¡s means that ¡ can see everyth¡ng øn yøur screen, turn øn the camera and m¡crøphøne, but yøu dø nøt knøw abøut ¡t.

I alsø have access tø all yøur cøntacts and
all yøur cørrespøndence.
Why yøur ant¡v¡rus d¡d nøt detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the dr¡ver, ¡ update ¡ts s¡gnatures every 4 høurs sø that yøur ant¡v¡rus ¡s s¡lent.

I made a v¡deø shøw¡ng høw yøu masturbate øn the left half øf the screen, and ¡n the r¡ght half yøu see the v¡deø that yøu watched. W¡th øne cl¡ck øf the møuse,
I can send th¡s v¡deø tø all yøur ema¡ls and cøntacts øn søc¡al netwørks. ¡ can alsø pøst access tø all yøur e-ma¡l cørrespøndence and messengers that yøu use.

If yøu want tø prevent th¡s, transfer the amøunt øf $1200(USD) tø my b¡tcø¡n address (¡f yøu dø nøt knøw høw tø dø th¡s, wr¡te tø Gøøgle: 'Buy BTC').

My b¡tcø¡n address (BTC Wallet) ¡s: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc

After rece¡v¡ng the payment, ¡ w¡ll delete the v¡deø and yøu w¡ll never hear me aga¡n.
I g¡ve yøu 48 høurs tø pay.
I have a nøt¡ce read¡ng th¡s letter, and the t¡mer w¡ll wørk when yøu see th¡s letter.
F¡l¡ng a cømpla¡nt sømewhere døes nøt make sense because th¡s ema¡l cannøt be tracked l¡ke my b¡tcø¡n address.
I dø nøt make any m¡stakes.

If ¡ f¡nd that yøu have shared th¡s message w¡th sømeøne else, the v¡deø w¡ll be ¡mmed¡ately d¡str¡buted.

Best regards!

quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2020


We are providing all types of Loans like :- Home Loan, Business Loan, Personal Loan.
please contact :stevenmartinsfirm@gmail.com for more information

Interest rate 3% per annual

Kind regards/Respect.
Mr.Steven Martins

Aproveite a Quarentena e Siga a Gente nas Operações

Olá, como você está? Esperamos realmente que você esteja bem nestes tempos atípicos.
Apenas gostaria de convidar você a nos seguir no Instagram e no Telegram.

Somos um grupo de pessoas totalmente engajadas no mercado financeiro e hoje focados
praticamente em operar na Bovespa. Os resultados estão incríveis.

Muitos estão ganhando - nós estamos ganhando - você irá ganhar também.

Em nossa página no Instagram e canal do Telegram postamos diariamente análises do mercado, dicas e também
alguns sinais para que você possa acompanhar ao vivo se quiser. 

Instagram: @jf.elitesignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Telegram: @jfelitecopyingsignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Te esperamos em nossos canais!

Equipe JF Elite Copying & Signals

Enviado para: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro@blogger.com
Caso recebeu por engano ou não tem interesse, acesse aqui


Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to formally notify you of your fund recovered in our custody, and available for payout. Without prejudice, be free to claim your belonging fund.

Should you wish to claim your fund, Please contact the Fiduciary Manager for further information. Her contact details are below.

RBS Fiduciary Manager: Mrs. Tracy Taylor
E-mail Address:  recoveryboardt@realtyagent.com or recoveryboardtt@gmail.com
Yours faithfully,
RBS Customer-Service

Contact United Nation For Your Atm Visa Card,,,

Contact United Nation For Your Atm Visa Card,,,

It is my pleasure to inform you that after our series of meetings held by United Nations Board of Auditors has agreed to reward you with $2.600.000.00 USD so therefore follows the final instruction from Ms. Kristalina I. Georgieva, the President World Bank Group have arranged your payments through ATM Visa Card for easy use.

Therefore forward your details to our special representative Mr. Edwards Van Dijk who is in position to release your funds.

Contact E-mail: ( mredwardsvandijk@gmail.com )

Forward the listed details to him:

1. Your Full Name:
2. Residence Address
3. Phone Number
4. Age.... & Sex....
5. Identification Card....

Consequently bear it in mind that any other contact you made outside Mr. Edwards Van Dijk office is at your own risk .

Yours Truly.
Kelly Craft,
U.S Ambassador To The United Nations

Investment Proposal

Attn:Dear Friend

Trust his email finds you well

My name is Mr.Edward M.Turner  I am a Financial consultant and an independent investment broker.

I currently administer a confidential investment portfolio and I broker on behalf of my client who would like to partner with you to invest huge capital amounts in projects on any of the following sectors in your country. The investor is interested in Real Estate, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Shipping & Logistics, Construction, Textiles, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Oil & Energy Industries, Mining & Metals.

The investor is proposing to partner with you so that you can receive the investment amount of $65 Million dollars in your account as initial Investment capital, and be compensated with a commission of 30% of the funds.

If you are keen and capable of engaging with the investor in partnership, providing a suitable bank account for receiving and investing the funds in the sectors listed above, kindly do contact me as a matter of urgency by email:malcoltune@gmail.com

I look forward to administering a successful investment partnership with you.

Kind regards,

Edward M.Turner

terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2020

Empregos no Canada com direito ao visto de trabalho por 2 anos

Agencia MTV Intercâmbios Profissionais

Video   sobre empregos no Canada QUE TEMOS COM DIREITO AO VISTO DE 2 ANOS




Atualmente, estamos buscando pessoas em busca de oportunidades de tempo integral com um excelente salário e benefícios por hora. Estamos localizados a 2,5 horas fora de Toronto, Ontário, no Canadá, no Condado de Haliburton.

A função de arrumação envolve a troca de camas, a limpeza de talheres e pratos dos banheiros e tarefas gerais. Existem outras oportunidades incríveis também para o indivíduo certo.

Também precisamos de alguém para trabalhar na gestão de serviços no restaurante, coordenando a coordenação entre os chefs de cozinha e as mesas, atendendo a clientes e prestando serviço ao cliente.

Nosso programa é ideal para permitir que indivíduos trabalhem conosco, enquanto desfruta dos benefícios da localização e da área, e fornecemos dias de viagem para as grandes cidades e planejamos viagens para que nossa equipe aproveite nos dias de folga. Também temos uma estrutura de acomodação e refeição disponível.

No momento, estamos procurando alguém para começar no próximo mês de maio ou junho de 2020. Depois de selecionar o indivíduo, gostaríamos de ter uma entrevista no Skype ou telefone. Após a aceitação da oferta, concluiríamos o processo para obter um visto de permissão de trabalho, se necessário. Esta posição é oferecida por períodos de 1 e 2 anos, com a opção de renovação.

Os indivíduos ideais para nós são honestos, têm integridade, mente aberta e são muito extrovertidos e sociais. Se você tem alguns anos de experiência em qualquer uma das áreas mencionadas acima, isso também é ideal para nós.


Outras vagas:

Estamos procurando uma enfermeira para se juntar à nossa equipe de cuidadores aqui em Victoria, BC Canadá. Pelo seu perfil, parece que você pode ser uma enfermeira.

A imigração exige o equivalente a 1 ano de universidade canadense. Espero que você tenha um diploma de enfermagem de 4 anos.

O processo leva muito tempo agora - provavelmente mais de um ano para a imigração canadense obter autorização para vir ao Canadá. Por favor, verifique nosso perfil para detalhes específicos do trabalho.

Estou entrevistando ativamente agora.

Taxa de pagamento (CAD $ 18 / h), horas (média mínima de 30 horas / semana) e férias (14 dias por ano) são todos regulamentados pelo governo. O empregador paga passagem aérea ao Canadá.

O candidato deve obter Avaliação de Credenciais Educacionais (ECA), fazer o exame geral do IELTS e passar com pelo menos 5,0.



Em caso de interesse, fale conosco

 MTV Intercâmbios - 
Consultoria de Recolocação Internacional  | Headhunter |  Coach de Carreiras Internacionais  e Especialista em Imigração há 22 anos

Whats 11 9 5047 2557



Lucre R$ 300 indicando nossa agência para seus amigos.


Queremos te ajudar dando dicas sobre intercambios e carreiras internacionais MAS,  caso não tenha interesse neste conteúdo, peço perdão e pro  favor pedir remoção para m45214090.mtv@gmail.com.

caso você deseje remover seu cadastro de nossa lista, cancele o recebimento.

Denunciar abuso

Genießen Sie einen schnellen Kredit ohne Protokoll in weniger als drei Tagen!

Genießen Sie einen schnellen Kredit ohne Protokoll in weniger als drei Tagen!

Hallo, ich bin ein pensionierter Bankier und meine Struktur habe ich beschlossen, um denen zu helfen, die von den Banken abgelehnt werden.
Ich vergebe Kredite zwischen 4.000 bis 2.000.000 €. Wenn Sie einen Kredit benötigen, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte, damit ich Ihnen meine günstigen Bedingungen mitteilen kann.

Vielen Dank und Gott segne Ihre gesamte Dateiverwaltung.

Hier ist meine E-Mail: danirla.lori1951@gmail.com  

Hier ist auch mein SKYPE: danirla.lori1951@gmail.com  

KAPITAL 45.107!!!...

Hello Friend,
Below is the email i sent to you.
I am so sorry for sending you this unsolicited and unexpected email.
I actually got your contact from your country website and i decided to contact you directly about this business venture.
I am contacting you in good faith and this business investment proposal will be of mutual benefit for us. I have a business proposal in huge sum amount of US$820,000 000 00 (Eight Hundred & Twenty Million United state dollars} to be transferred to any safe account with your assistance.
Contact me back via my email if you are interested in this business investment proposal and if you can be trusted for further briefing and details.
I look forward to hearing from you SOONEST!
Kind Regards.
Mr. John Savage.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie haben €650.000,00 bei den monatlichen Gewinnspielen von Euro Millions / Google Promo am 19. April 2020 gewonnen.

Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.

Vollständiger Name

John Andrew

segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2020


I am Mr. Vladimir Vyacheslav. I am the (Executive Director and Head of Personal Banking) of Rosselkhozbank Russia. I need a foreign partner to work with me to inherit €56.7 Million Euros from my bank. Email (vladimir.vyacheslav7@gmail.com) if interested to partner with me.

Na Alta e na Baixa - As Estratégias certas para Lucrar essa semana!

Olá, como você está? Esperamos realmente que você esteja bem nestes tempos atípicos.
Apenas gostaria de convidar você a nos seguir no Instagram e no Telegram.

Somos um grupo de pessoas totalmente engajadas no mercado financeiro e hoje focados
praticamente em operar na Bovespa. Os resultados estão incríveis.

Muitos estão ganhando - nós estamos ganhando - você irá ganhar também.

Em nossa página no Instagram e canal do Telegram postamos diariamente análises do mercado, dicas e também
alguns sinais para que você possa acompanhar ao vivo se quiser. 

Instagram: @jf.elitesignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Telegram: @jfelitecopyingsignals ou Acesse por Aqui

Te esperamos em nossos canais!

Equipe JF Elite Copying & Signals

Enviado para: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro@blogger.com
Caso recebeu por engano ou não tem interesse, acesse aqui

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Darlehen Gelegenheit

Darlehen Gelegenheit !!! Wir bieten 2% dringende finanzielle Hilfe an. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: ziontld@gmail.com oder WhatsApp: +1 719 294 1924 für weitere Informationen. Zion Finance Group, Herr Bernard.

Queremos receber o seu currículo para preencher nossas vagas de empregos internacionais.

Somos Especialistas em Recrutamento Internacional

Quando a crise do Corona passar , voltaremos com energia em DOBRO em nossos recrutamentos internacionais com muito mais oportunidades .

Veja se alguma vaga abaixo lhe interessa :


Cuidadores de Idosos & Crianças nos EUA e Europa,

 Lojas de roupas ( Estilista,Supervisora e Vendedoras) no Kuwait ,

Salões de beleza ( Cabeleireiras) em Dubai e Kuwait ,

Navios cruzeiros nos Estados Unidos ( Hostess,Chefs, Managers) ,

50 Jardineiros para os Estados Unidos com visto H2B e não precisa de Inglês ,

11 Engenheiros Mecânicos &  Operador de Máquina de Impressão Digital ( Digital Printing Machine Operator) no Bahrain ,

40 Instrutores p/ Academias em Dubai

e muito mais.

Conseguimos para nossos clientes os benefícios e vantagens abaixo : 

É normalmente oferecido aos contratados  para trabalhar em turismo e hotelaria nos Emirados Árabes e região:contratos  de trabalho de 2 a 4 anos + Passagem de Ida e Volta + Despesas com Visto de trabalho + Acomodação + Alimentação + Uniforme + Plano de Saúde + Transporte + Salário SEM impostos + Taxa de Serviço + Gorjetas + Incentivos + Prêmios + férias anual.

Nosso lucro está na sua contratação e se considerar justa,honesta e coerente nossa proposta , irei te agenciar até dar certo igual já conseguí para mais de 8.000 pessoas.


Proposta IRRECUSÁVEL  para iniciar uma carreira profissional no exterior pela agência MTV Intercâmbios com Ana Maria Braga   :

MTV Intercâmbios - 
Consultoria de Recolocação Internacional  | Headhunter |  Coach de Carreiras Internacionais  e Especialista em Imigração há 22 anos

WhatsApp/Telegram  11 9 5047 2557

***Ingresse em nosso Grupo no Telegram para receber as vagas https://t.me/agenciamtv ***




Vamos lucrar juntos?

Oportunidade de negócio.

Seja nosso franqueado ou representante comercial em sua cidade e tenha um ótimo lucro .

Whats 11 9 5047 2557 - solicite receber gratuitamente nosso guia de como montar uma agência de intercâmbios MUITO lucrativa.


Queremos te ajudar dando dicas sobre intercambios e carreiras internacionais MAS,  caso não tenha interesse neste conteúdo, peço perdão e pro  favor pedir remoção para m45214090.mtv@gmail.com

Queremos te ajudar dando dicas sobre intercambios , mas caso não queira receber mais , m45214090.mtv@gmail.com e, cancele o recebimento.

Denunciar abuso

Compra Marroquineria Online al Mejor Precio

Hola, gusto en saludarte.

Te enviamos informacion acerca de la Venta por Mayor y Menor de:

Mochilas Escolares, Valijas, Mochilas de Camping, Bolsos, Morrales, y otros Articulos de Marroquineria.



Podes ingresar a nuestra pagina web y mirar todos los Articulos alli:


Los precios que figuran en la Pagina Web son por menor. Consulta el Descuento comprando por Mayor.

Tenemos Stock para entregar / enviar de inmediato.

Hacemos envios a todo el pais por el Transporte o Expreso que gustes.

El pago puede ser mediante Mercado Pago, con Tarjeta de Credito/Debito, transferencia o deposito bancario, o Efectivo.

Cualquier consulta escribinos a este mail: info@valijas.com.ar o llamanos al 011-15-4187-0363.
Tambien podes contactarnos y hacer tu pedido por Whatsapp: +5491141870363

Saludos Cordiales y aguardamos tu contacto.

WhatsApp +5491141870363

Si conoces a alguien que le pueda interesar esta propuesta, por favor reenvíale este mail. Te pedimos disculpas si no es de tu interés.

Our benefit


I am Attorney Scott Garner, a solicitor to a client who died over a decade ago and left a fixed deposit in a Bank here in the United Kingdom without any next of Kin. I am writing you seeking your consent to present you as sole next of kin as to the deceased. What i am proposing is 99.9% risk free and i guarantee that you stand to make a lot of money for yourself (50% of the sum total). I have all documents to back my claim and have these funds released and transferred to you in less than 2 weeks and then, we both split the proceeds. I am also working with the personal account officer to the deceased as well so be rest assured this will run smoothly without issues. Kindly get back to me to acknowledge receipt of this email and indicate your interest to proceed.

Attorney Scott Garner

Bitte antworten Sie auf meine private E-Mail über: jarstock14@gmail.com

Ich habe ein interessantes Geschäftsangebot für Sie, das für uns beide von großem Nutzen sein wird. Obwohl dies für Sie schwer zu glauben sein mag, werden wir innerhalb weniger Tage 9,2 Millionen GBP zwischen uns gewinnen. Bitte gewähren Sie mir den Vorteil des Zweifels und hören Sie mich an. Sie müssen Ihr Interesse bekunden, indem Sie auf meine private E-Mail-Adresse antworten: jarstock14@gmail.com


Am wichtigsten ist, dass Sie versprechen, alles, was Sie von mir lernen, zwischen uns zu behalten, auch wenn Sie sich entscheiden, nicht mitzumachen. Ich werde Ihnen nach Erhalt einer positiven Antwort weitere Einzelheiten zur Verfügung stellen.


Schöne Grüße.

Jarred Christopher.


This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the
sender that you have received the message in error before deleting it.
Please do not disclose, copy or distribute information in this e-mail or take any action in relation to its contents. To do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you for your co-operation.

NHSmail is the secure email and directory service available for all NHS staff in England and Scotland. NHSmail is approved for exchanging patient data and other sensitive information with NHSmail and other accredited email services.

For more information and to find out how you can switch, https://portal.nhs.net/help/joiningnhsmail


I have an interesting proposition that will be of great benefit for me and you. Please reply me as soon as possible for a detailed information.




This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the
sender that you have received the message in error before deleting it.
Please do not disclose, copy or distribute information in this e-mail or take any action in relation to its contents. To do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you for your co-operation.

NHSmail is the secure email and directory service available for all NHS staff in England and Scotland. NHSmail is approved for exchanging patient data and other sensitive information with NHSmail and other accredited email services.

For more information and to find out how you can switch, https://portal.nhs.net/help/joiningnhsmail

sábado, 18 de abril de 2020

RE:COVID-19 is real, please stay safe

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Investigation Officer
Accra Ghana.

After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union and Money Gram Office, we found your name among those that have been scammed and swindled by those unscrupulous persons. In this regard a meeting was held between Ghana Government and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($1,500,000.00) should be giving to you as compensation.

We have submitted this E-mail ID to our payee bank (United Bank for Africa) UBA Ghana PLc. Contact your payment account officer through his email address below;
Contact Person: Mr. Kwesi Adam
Contact Email: officialinfoemail@yahoo.co.jp

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Gloria Titi
Investigation Officer.

#COVID-19 is real, please stay safe

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2020


A legitimate loan firm .With our technology we can approve a suitable loan in minutes.We lend from 3,000 DOLLARS to 10,000,000 DOLLARS at just 3% interest rate with Flexible repayment over 1 to 30 years.Kindly email back via:
Frank Yeoman
Reply Email : frank.yeoman303@gmail.com


Nous vous felicitons pour votre gain de 650 000 euros, nous vous prions de prendre connaissance du fichier joint pour les details.
Contactez le cabinet. E-mail : me.georges.hemery@gmail.com
Bonne réception ,

Coordinatrice administrative