sábado, 23 de maio de 2020




I am Edward Barr, a probate proxy executor with the Credit Union. I have some matters which I will like to intimate you on and of which I seek your attention and
assistance to tackle. I have access to some legal and confidential information concerning a deceased account beneficiary from your country that died intestate.

I handled some legal briefs for him concerning a deposit of valuables and cash he made with a deposit company here. Owing to the demise of my client and by virtue of
my relationship with him, I have decided to use all the resources within my power to retrieve the deposit. The reason being, that some greedy staffs of the deposit
company want to sweep the matter under the carpet having gotten knowledge of the passing away of the deceased.

It is not my will to see the matter treated that way hence I conducted a search that will assist me in first and foremost fighting for the safety of the T.O.D account
and all that is contained therein. I am very much aware of my client's last dealings with the deposit firm and I have the singular privilege of being in possession of
some of the signed agreement papers.

I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin (PROXY) to the deceased since you are at an advantage of going to work closely with me, so that the account can
be legally transferred to you. I shall within the course of the next few days plan and execute how best to pursue this mutual matter with a view to cost
effectiveness, I have all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us
see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. Please get in touch with
me by email to enable us discuss further.

Thank you


Edward Barr

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