sábado, 28 de novembro de 2020

Dear Customer

Google Forms
Dear Customer

This is to inform you about the bank decision on the payment for the
compensation following the executive order from the Federal Minister
of finance Benin Republic, the bank has approved the release of the
money, An ATM card has been processed for you, the Seven Million
Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ( $7,800.000 ) was
successful credited into the ATM card for security reason due to the
amount involved, you need to send the following information's as soon
as possible to enable me quickly register the delivery of the ATM card
to you.

Your full name,
Your address
Your Country
Your phone number
Your Whats App number
Copy of your valid ID

Kindly send the information's through this e-mail (
fsossah181@gmail.com ) for urgent action

Mr. Fogan Sossah
Untitled form
Fill out form
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