sábado, 22 de maio de 2021


Good day to you.

I am Andrew Walters, from Coronavirus Reward Department United Nations. Due to the outbreak of this deadly disease Corona virus (COVID-19)which has caused a lot of death and hardship.United Nations is rewarding randomly selected individuals with the Sum of $805,000 to help and support lives all over the world.

Your email was luckily selected and has been listed among individuals to receive this payment,please kindly confirm the details below to enable us file and facilitate your payment.

1. Full Name:

2. Home Address:

3. Nationality:

4. Date of Birth:

5. Occupation:

6. Tel Phone/Mobile:

7. Agender:

We await your response as soon as possible and please we advise you wash and sanitize your hands always (stay at home and stay at safe).

Best Regards.

Andrew Walters

United Nations Reward Department

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