sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2023

Re: ,,.,.Urgent ==

I'm Mrs. Jennette Campel the widow of late Mr James I'm 68 years old. I am a Christian convert, suffering from prolonged cancer of the
breast, from alll mediical indications my condition has really deteriorated and it's pretty obvious that i may not live for more than
six months owning to the rapid growth by stage and the excruciating pain that accrues to it.

My husband was killed during the Political War, and our long years of marriage were not blessed with any child. My late husband was very wealthy, after his death I inherited his business and funds. My doctor has diagnosed and told me privately what i should expect,
building my spirit for the inevitable. He says i may not last for more than 6 months, based on this i have taken the decision to share part of my funds and wealth in contribution to the development of the Church and society with major focus on the poor, needy and victims of

I am willing to donate the sum of $ 38.900,000 USD for your work in developing the Church and to help the poor, needy, and less privileged among your congregations/society. note that this fund is deposited in a bannk in the country where my husband worked, my lawyer
will file the application for the transfer of this m0ney in your na me and information's, after my applications and instructions.

I honestly employ you to make sure that these funds are put to use for this purpose, a good one you can agree with me, I realize
that wealth without lifie in Christ is vanity. contact me for more information because I don't know what may happen to me next.

May the grace of God be and remain with you. reply to (

Mrs. Jennette Campell
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