sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2023

Can you build a charity institution ?

I am writing to you with deep pain and sorrow in my heart,  I am very sorry to contact you this way. My name is Mrs. Victoria  Harrison, a widow without a child of my own and been married for 15 yrs to my husband. 
I've been suffering from stage 4 for the last 8years, and I've been in and out of the hospital for 2 years.
I'm at the hospital right now. After consulting a doctor last week, He told me that I cannot live for the next one month.
What is painful is that my husband died the same way after suffering from a heart problem. Before the sudden death of my husband, we have agreed to establish a charitable foundation that will help life and people in need.
My deceased husband has deposited an amount of money with one of the banks here in the United States, with my name as the only nearest family member.
But now that he is dead, I want his soul to be happy wherever he is, so we end our final decision on using the money to build a charity institution in your country.
So I ask you to help me with the use of this fund when building a charity institution in your country and world in general. I want you to take 25% of the total amount for yourself. Yes, be happy that you have accepted this project in your own country.
Mrs. Victoria  Harrison

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