quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2024

Hello my beloved,

Hello my beloved,
I want to let you know that I greatly appreciate your response. I have
prayed about you here on my sickbed and the truth is that I have this
inner feeling that you are the right person to reach the less
privileged, widows and motherless ones will give you all the
details that will assist you in getting the Funds where it is

I deposited the total of US$20 million cash in a sealed consignment
as(Family Valuables). This means that the Security Company's staff
does not know the real content of the Box in their custody to avoid
any loss or theft until the given claim duration. I want to send an
official letter to the company manager making known to him my
intention to hand over the Inheritance of the Consignment Box in their
custody to you.

I feel so sad every day in my life and I promise you that you will not
regret this day as long as your heart is pure and sincere. Although I
I do not know you in person, You should note that I have been swindled
before by my late husband's brother, this is why I have to be very
careful this time. I need your total devotion and trust to see this
through. I know we have not met before, but I am very confident that
we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to
execute this project.

As soon as I receive your reply and the needed information listed below, I
shall draft a Letter of Authorization to the company authorizing them
to release the consignment to you as my next of kin and to recognize
your status as the new beneficiary of the Consignment Box. Send the
information in this order:

Your full names:-------------
Contact address:-----------------------
Telephone / Cellphone#:-------------
Age:---------- and Sex:-------------

I hope you will understand why I need all these details. The money in
question is big and I want to ensure that I know you well before i
proceed to give you all the details to commence the project. I want to
reassure you that the procedure to be adopted in processing and
effecting the transaction is fully official and legal. This proposal
should not be regarded as a means to extort money from you, neither is
it is a fraudulent concept that would put you into insecurity; hence you
should remove your mind from every sense of disbelief, you will not
regret but rejoice.

I have to rest now as this email took me hours to write due to my
usual weakness. Please pray for me my dear and respond urgently to my
emails so that I can be able to inform you of the security code and also
the Password to unlock the sealed consignment Box before I will be
transferred to the Intensive care unit later this week.

I am waiting for your email to proceed accordingly.

Remain Blessed,
Mrs. Agnes Robert

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