quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2023

Your zonadeseguranca.alvinegro Unclaimed Payment


Attention: zonadeseguranca.alvinegro,

This is Mr Mark B.Brown the Former United States Ambassador to Thailand, I came down here in Thailand for the just concluded APEC 2022 meeting and I was searching for some files that I left in this office before I left and found out that you have not received your fund, and I asked the present ambassador  Robert F. Godec what happened that you have not receive your fund and he said that you refused to pay the required fee for the delivery of your ATM CARD.

I'm contacting you this morning because the director of the ATM CARD center here in Thailand said that they will divert your ATM CARD to the Government Treasury just because that you cannot pay for the service fee of your ATM CARD which is $150.00 only according to them.But I told them to wait until I hear from you today so that I will know the reason why you rejected such amount of money $2.5m which will change your life just because of $150.00.

I want your urgent response as soon as you receive this email and explain to me the reason why you have abandoned your ATM CARD because of $150.00. But if you don't need it then I can change your name to another person so that this Government will not claim this money but I know that you will love to have it.

Please my dear I want to help you to receive this fund because it was a big shock to me that you have not received your ATM CARD and withdrawn your money for 2 years now and I'm very sorry for that and you will receive your funds.  I will be here to monitor it until you receive your fund.

This is where you should send the fee today via MoneyGram Or WorldRemit and don't fail to do that as I have said.

First name : Supreeya
Last name : Soonthornprapatsorn
Address =======192 rankanhaeng Road Bangkok,Thailand
Amount ======== $150.00

Email: mark_brown2023@outlook.com
Phone: +66 (963) 525152

I will wait to hear from you today with the payment receipt for the swift shipping.

Mr.Mark B.Brown
From United States Former Ambassador to Thailand

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