terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2023


From Mr. Ebenezer N. Onyeagwu
Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc


                                                     RE: THE TRUTH OF

My name is Mr. Ebenezer Onyeagwu the new appointed director foreign
payment department Zenith Bank of Nigeria. I am writing to
congratulate and inform you that both of us has been favored by the
new elected Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari by
appointing me as the new director of the Central Bank of Nigeria and
instructing my office to review your payment file and pay your overdue
contract/inheritance payment sum of Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars only ($10,500,000.00) as my first assignment to
this office, during my paper work review in my office this morning, I
discovered from our office payment file that you have not received
your long expected payment of $10.5Million and you have spent so much
money trying to receive your money all to no avail and you have gone
through all process to receive your payment through bank to bank wire
transfer, ATM card, International certified bank draft and cash
payment diplomatic all to no avail and this has cause you much money
and Online banking

My dear friend the truth of the matter is, there is no amount of money
you will spend or pay to anyone in the process of receiving your
payment that will make you receive this payment without following the
due bank payment transfer process, if not you will keep spending your
hard earn money bribing officials of the bank or individuals without
success, because Federal Government of Nigeria do not permit any back
door payment.

Now that I have been appointed as the new director in charge of
foreign payment with the central bank of Nigeria and have been
instructed and empower by the new elected President Muhammadu Buhari,
I will like to ask you this question before we proceed and as soon as
I hear from you I will let you know the reason why you have not
received your payment and what you should do to receive your payment
through the right bank payment transfer payment process.

My question is this: Are you still interested and ready to receive
your fund? I wait to hear from you and will disclose the reason why
you have not receive your payment and what you should do to receive
your payment.

Finally, I will advice you as the current director in charge of all
foreign payment to stop any further communication with whomsoever you
are in contact with regarding to this payment either local or
international to avoid diversion of payment, now that I have step into
your payment file for final remittance to you and also stop wasting
your hard earn money to individuals hence the problem is not all about

Call me as you receive this message.  +234-8037809071

God bless you.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Ebenezer N. Onyeagwu
Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.
Tel: +234-8037809071

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