sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2024

Your Conpensation ATM Card worth (US$5.500.000.00)!!!


It's regarding your ATM card worth (US$5,500,000.00) Mrs. Gerlinde Browning, submitted her details to replace your information in order to claim your COMPENSATION funds worth US$5.500.000.00, which has been lying UNCLAIMED in the bank for longtime now. Be further informed that this power of attorney Mrs. Gerlinde Browning submitted, also stated that you suffered and died. You are therefore given 72hrs to confirm the truth in this information, If you are still alive, you are to contact us back immediately to ensure that we monitor the activities going on in regards to your ATM card worth (US$5,500,000.00)

Here is the required information to send via email to us. I am pleading to your urgent response to enable us to confirm and proceed on your funds release to you.

(1) Full Name.............
(2) Country.............
(3) Home Address.........
(4) Telephone Number...........

I am waiting for your urgent answer.


Mr. Steven Duke
Department Agent

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